Tuesday, January 28, 2014


When a person mentions blogging my mind immediately thinks of long documents that are all opinionated. While this may be true majority of the time, if you know how to properly use a blog and specifically search for the information you are wanting to find, blogs can be a great thing. Blogs offer resources that can take you to credible sites and offer great information. They can be a way for people to share photos of places they have been and what they have seen. Blogs are a great way of sharing your ideas and messages for people all over the world to see.

One of the websites I found to be very helpful on the basics of blogging was WebSEO. Here they even list the definitions of the words blog and blogging. Not only this but they truly show you ways to optimize your search experience.

As blogging has become more and more popular over the years it has also become a great way for companies to communicate with their clients. Thanks to social media I was able to find this great article by Maddie Russell on the website, SocialMediaExplorer, which is very beneficial for people starting there own companies to look over. This article offered advice on ways to increases the traffic of your blog site by talking about specific steps you can take. For instance, posting the right kind of content, how long your post need to be, and even how often you should post. 

If you need more basic steps to blogging or do not have a company blog maybe take a look at this article by AndrewHutchinson. In this article he does a great job breaking down exactly what words you should be using and what words to leave out. Blogging gets your opinion out there and is important so if you want your voice to be heard taking these appropriate steps can make a difference.

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